⁜ Xavior? That'd Be Me. ⁜

There isn't really much for me to discuss. I'm just some guy who's kinda smart and uninterested in most of what goes on around him. But I suppose I have to do this, just like everyone else. Right now, all I can ask is for this year to come to a faster conclusion than its prologue. That and hope to not be bothered again.

The Animal Inside

ߺThe Owl, A Conservative Intellectualߺ

Eloquent, sincere, conservative, intelligent, diffident; These are all words used to describe an Owl's personality. To put it simply, someone who is an Owl, or shares its personality like myself, is considered sober. This is effectively to say that one has a good head on their shoulders. The preference of serene environments and the utility and improvement of mental workings are things that such people highlight above other things. The intelligence that is perceived from those with such a personality expands from the priority of spiritual or mental self-guidence. Career choices reflect their personality well, including professions as bank tellers, diplomats, and judges.

੦What I Shall Say੦

On the end of describing personality, in my case, I'd consider it accurate, though it does not encompass everything. That, of course, is something someone ought to expect. To write against such a conclusion, I find very little interest in the career options which are grouped in with the personality, but I will not deny that they would appear fitting to the traits which an Owl would have. Among the smaller things, the ideas of seclusion and basic fitness are appealing to my mindset, they are things that I'd state as important to me, though to varying degrees dependent primarily on when or where. Beyond this, no larger body provided of the personality type's description is particularly accurate to my own description, so I have little more to discuss.

Mental Coloration

It might be a common hearing to some, color being compared to personality traits. While it's not an interest of mine, there is always some degree of curiosity, and necesity due to certain circumstances. 59% Green, what does it entail? Well, those who are considered green, at least by sources I inquired, are suggested to be rigid people, unforgiving and, perhaps, condescending in nature, people who refuse to simply do without thinking first. A lack of plan does not stop such a person, but it will often hold them back from taking a first step towards some things. To say myself, I agree with it, though again, there is more there than what is described, there are even differences that are described.

Xavior Armstrong ©| March 10, 2023.